
Get paid to ask and answer questions

People encounter problems daily and constantly looking out for answers to these problems or bulging questions in different areas.You can provide them with answers,tips and advice and get paid.If your answer or advice is widely accepted,you earn more.Also you can get paid by asking questions too.The sites that offer that are: justanswer keen liveperson bitwine werlive ether studentoffortune expertbee smallbizadvice webanswers knowbrainers chacha KGBKGB

Paid to review and test websites

The internet holds out many ways to earn while sharing yours views.Getting paid to review a product or in your blog or test a website and attract visitors to visit,view and buy the product is another way of earning.some provide you a software to voice your thought while others simply let you to blog it.The best paid to review sites and test websites are: expotv dooyoo shvoong ciao reviewme reviewstream sharedreviews rateitall carrotreviews epinions softwarejudge sponsoredreviews payperhost blogitive bloggingads blogvertise loudlaunch linkworth payU2blog usertesting trymyUI userfeel whatusersdo